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Replacement Policy



Vintage Nurseries endeavors to provide nursery stock that is in good growing condition at the time of delivery. Our plants have gone through rigorous quality controls during propagation and growing. Dormant plants have been gown for an entire growing season in a field nursery and have been dug and graded in accordance with California Department of Food & Agriculture regulations. Similarly, green growing plants are grown under controlled greenhouse conditions, are placed under indirect sunlight for 7-10 days to harden off and are finally sorted the day before shipment to assure proper growth and quality when received by the grower. A successful planting is where 98-100% of the vines grow, given proper care and a lack of negative outside influences such as inclement or extreme weather conditions and predators. However, very seldom is a 100% stand achieved. With this in mind, it is prudent for a grower to purchase a number of replants based upon prior planting experiences.

Once high quality planting stock has been delivered to your vineyard, it is essential that it is handled properly, that correct planting procedures are followed, and that planted vines are properly cared for in the field. To that end, we have sent you excerpts of generally accepted planting and care instructions that have been prepared by the University of California Cooperative Extension. Keep in mind that dormant plants are generally removed from cold storage one day prior to delivery when determining a proper warm-up period prior to planting.

Once plants leave our premises, we have no way of assuring proper care. Because the plants are perishable and subject to rapid deterioration, strict adherence to the return privileges contained in the contract is mandated. Please review your contract carefully. Returned plants must be in original delivered condition. Shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer. Vintage Nurseries will promptly replace, if available, or refund (at its option) the value of any returned plants. We do not expect plants to be returned, except under unusual circumstances, given the strict quality control procedures followed. As a final quality control measure, we encourage all our customers to visit our facilities and inspect their growing plants, as well as our grading and storage practices. We trust you will be impressed with the quality care we give your plants.

Because we are interested in our growers obtaining a successful first year planting, we offer the following replacement policy with respect to benchgrafts:

Any benchgraft which received proper care, is part of the buyer's first year planting and fails to exhibit signs of growth with 90 days of delivery, will be replaced free of charge. You must notify Vintage Nurseries of the growth failure within 90 days of delivery. Our replacement policy is subject to availability and total replacements shall not exceed 3% of the total original order. Additional plants will be charged at the original contract price. This replacement policy shall extend only to first year planting of new vineyards with benchgrafts. It shall not apply to custom orders, to nursery stock purchased for replacements or to stock furnished under this replacement policy. There will be no guarantee for vines planted on or after July 1 of any given year.