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Plant Instructions


Guidelines for Successful Planting

The following discussion concerning planting and care of young grapevines contains excerpts from a University of California Cooperative Extension publication that was presented at the San Joaquin Valley Grape Symposium on December 11, 1996 at the Centre′ Plaza Holiday Inn, Fresno, California.

Vintage Nurseries wants your planting and growing experience to be rewarding. The following information should be helpful in preparing for your grapevine planting this spring. The information contained herein represents generally accepted planting and vine care practices within the grape industry. Some or all of the recommendations may not apply to your particular vineyard situation (particularly in replant or interplant situations). If you have specific questions or concerns, please call your local farm advisor before proceeding.

Guidelines for Planting

Dormant Rootings and Dormant Benchgrafts

Green Growing Benchgrafts