Vintage Nurseries Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time to order dormant vines?

The best time is 18 months to two years prior to your expected planting date.

When should I place my order for dormant vines, to get an exact combination of variety, clone and rootstock?

Orders should be placed about 13 to 18 months in advance of your anticipated delivery date.

Why is so much time required?

This gives you a better chance of getting the combination you desire.

Why is so much time required for dormant benchgrafts?

Dormant benchgrafts are grafted in the winter months and planted in our field nursery, where they are grown for one complete season before we dig and ship them to you. For example, if you place an order in December of 2008, your dormant vines would be grafted in January or February of 2009 and be ready to ship for planting in your field by late winter/spring of 2010.

When is the best time to order green vines?

As with dormants, the more time provided the better are the chances that we will have the material to produce the variety you require for your planting project.

When should I place my potted green vine order?

Green vine orders should be placed no later than February for delivery that same year. 

How long do potted green vines take to make?

Potted vines take between 14-16 weeks from graft date to delivery.  Factors that can affect this timing are variety, clone, rootstock and weather. 

What is the difference between a green potted benchgraft and a dormant potted benchgraft?

Green potted benchgrafts are produced in the same year that they are planted.  When a green potted benchgraft is held over to the following year, it would then be referred to as a dormant potted benchgraft.

What is the optimum time to plant dormant benchgrafts?

Dormants are most successful when planted from January through May. It is possible to have a successful planting after May, but it is not recommended unless you have experience with late season planting.

What is the optimum time to plant green potted benchgrafts?

Green potted benchgrafts are recommended for planting between May and July, but can be planted successfully into the fall.

How important is watering?

Even plants that are drought-tolerant require watering in order to establish a viable root system.

How often should I water my newly planted dormant vines?

Dormant vines need to be watered after planting to eliminate air pockets around the root zone. The watering schedule after that will be dependant upon your location, soil type, time of year and weather. It is important to note that overwatering is just as detrimental to vine health and establishment as underwatering.  

How often should I water my newly planted potted vines?

Potted vines are usually planted during the hotter months and will require water at planting time and frequent short irrigations after planting. Watering frequency and duration will vary by location, soil type, time of year and weather. As with dormant vines, overwatering is just as detrimental to vine health and establishment as underwatering.  It is important that water is applied to the immediate root zone.

When will my vines start producing fruit?

Most varieties will produce fruit in their third year after planting and will be in full production by year 5. This will vary by region and variety. 

What is your delivery Lead Time?

We ask that you give us at least two weeks prior to your planting date so that transportation can be arranged. Mid-February through May are the busiest times and may require a little more time.

Can I pick up my vines at the nursery?

If you can give us a dayÕs advance notice, that is greatÉotherwise you might have a bit of a wait.

Will you automatically ship my order when it is ready in the spring?

We will not ship any order until it is requested by the customer.

How do I handle the dormant benchgrafts upon delivery?

Please review the planting instructions printed on our shipping box, refer to our web site or contact your sales representative with any questions or for clarification.

I opened the boxes and noticed that the vines have already started to bud out. Do I need to handle them differently?

It is a good sign if the vines are starting to bud, and this is what you should look for prior to spring planting to ensure that the vines are viable before planting. You should handle them carefully to avoid knocking off any buds or shoots. If a shoot or bud does get knocked off another will sprout in its place. 

I opened the boxes and noticed some mold on the roots. Will this hurt the vines?

Once the vines come out of cold storage and start to warm up. the conditions are optimum for some mold growth. We have researched this and have had the mold tested. The findings were that the mold is benign and will not hurt the vine or its performance.

What is the minimum order?

The minimum order is 25 vines, 200 cuttings or 1 case of vine shelters.

How are vine shelters sold?

Vine shelters are sold by the case only. There are 250 in a case, and a case costs $50.00.

What are your delivery charges/fees?

These fees are based upon the delivery location. If we are delivering there is a fuel surcharge added.

How is the delivery charge calculated?

The delivery charge is based on the quantity of vines and the UPS zones.

What is IAB/SALES?

It stands for California Grapevine Nursery Improvement Assessment Board.

What is FPS?

FPS is an acronym for Foundation Plant Service, the group that issues our certified material.

What is CGRIC?

CGRIC is an acronym for California Grape Rootstock Improvement Commission.

What is the difference between Cert - NC – FG?

Cert or Certified comes directly from the Foundation Plant Service and is maintained in our Certified Increase Block. FG or First Generation also comes directly from the Foundation Plant Service, but is not maintained in a Certified Block; the cleanliness program, however, is still maintained as with our Certified Increase Blocks. NC or Non-Certified are common varieties that have not been issued from the Foundation Plant Service; many of these varieties are industry standard.

Why do 420a and O39-16 have an extra charge?

These rootstocks have poor takes in the nursery, so we graft more than we normally would with other rootstocks. This added production and use of added material is the reason for the extra charge. 

What does ÒcertifiedÓ mean?

ÒCertifiedÓ means that the variety or rootstock was free from all known virus and grapevine diseases at the time it was certified by Foundation Plant Services at UC Davis.

Can I place a special or custom order?

Yes, we do special/custom orders with a minimum of 500 finished vines per variety/rootstock combination.

Why do I have to sign a replacement contract?

You must sign a replacement contract to verify that the quantity and variety are correct. Any changes to your original contract need to be authorized by the customer prior to shipping. This step ensures that you are aware of all changes and that they are correct.

What is the box charge for green vine shipments?

The charge for a green vine box, which holds 18 vines, is $8.00.


Do out-of-state shipments require a Phyto Cert.?

Some states require that a Phyto-Sanitary certificate accompany the order. There is a $90.00 charge for the form to be completed.

What are the stipulations for shipping out of the United States?

A Phyto-Sanitary form is necessary and additional charges may be required, depending upon your import permit.

Are there Restocking Fees if I cancel an order?

If the need arises to cancel an order, a 25% restocking charge will be assessed. Should a custom order be canceled, you will be accountable for the entire order.

What is the rule on Order Changes?

All changes will be issued a revision contract, which requests that you review the changes, approve, sign and return the contract so that the change is verified.

Can I change my order?

As long as material is available, you can change your order. All changes will be updated with a new contract, which requests that you review the changes, approve, sign and return the contract so that the change is verified. Contracts cannot be changed once shipping has been scheduled. 

What is your policy on Returns?

Due to pests in other areas, we cannot accept plants that have left our control.

What Shipping Methods do you use?

We utilize UPS, FedEx Freight and Vintage delivery.

What is your standard shipping method for shipping to the Midwest and Eastern United States?

Starting in 2009, our standard shipping will be Ground UPS unless another method is requested by the customer.

Do I have to pay Òin fullÓ before shipment?

Unless other arrangements have been made, all payments are due prior to shipment. There are not any exceptions if you are out of state or the country.

Why is a signed contract required?

This verifies that the quantity and the variety are correct.  This is especially important if it is a custom order.

What credit cards do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover.

Why do you require a signed contract when a credit card is on file?

Even though we may have your credit card number, we require your signature on the contract to verify that the quantity and variety are correct. 


Whether youÕre a small backyard grower or planting thousands of acres, the sooner you know what you want the sooner we can get the plants ready for you. Green vines are produced in the beginning of the year, with expected delivery normally between late May and mid June.